Friday, April 27, 2007

Do this and u will be so much relieved from ur back pain during Pregnancy

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Pregnancy is a time of celebration, love, and unwanted but necessary weight gain. However, being pregnant doesn’t mean that your health and figure has to suffer permanent damage.The way you feel and the way you look during pregnancy and as a new mother depends to a great extent on diet and exercise during pregnancy.

Everyone knows that exercise is good for your health.But exercise during pregnancy keeps your body healthy and also your baby. A Recent study of pregnant women shows that those who exercised delivered a healthier baby with a stronger fetal heart rate. It is also proved that the women who exercised, spent less time in labor , with 65% of the women delivering in four hours or less. And when you're in labor, every extra hour seems like an eternity.

Exercising during pregnancy can have additional benefits.

1. The right kind of exercise routines will increase stamina needed for delivery.

2. Exercise during Pregnancy decrease the risk of premature birth by about 50%.

3. Exercise lowers stress and improves emotional health and can make it easier for the new mother to get through the experience of pregnancy.

4. Exercising during pregnancy can make postpartum weight loss easier. It helps women with weight management after the child is born.

5. In pregnant women exercising has been shown to reduce the occurence of these headaches, fatigue, swelling, and constipation.

Most experts recommend exercising 3-4 times a week, unless a medical condition prevents it. If in doubt, always consult a physician first before you start.
Start slowly.This is not the time to break your previous land speed record.Generally, exercise should be light, especially during the first few weeks of pregnancy while your body adjusts to the changes. Heavy exercise can divert blood flow from crucial areas and most women that exercise regularly should tone down their workouts during pregnancy. The important thing is to listen to your body- if it feels
like too much, take it down a notch. Particularly if you suffer from morning sickness, be aware of your limits.

Walking is a great exercise to perform during pregnancy. Not only is walking one of the best cardiovascular exercises, it is also one of the safest pregnancy exercises you can engage in. It is low impact and you can easy control your speed. Walking for 20 minutes 4 times a week is a great way to stay in shape throughout your pregnancy.

During Pregnancy Yoga keeps you flexible and improves muscle strength. It is also a very relaxing form of exercises that can help reduce the stress that comes along with pregnancy.Another extremely beneficial heart healthy pregnancy exercise is swimming.Swimming uses all of the major muscle groups in the body.

The water also supports your extra pregnancy weight and decreases added strain on your joints.It gives both the arms and legs a great workout while promoting cardiovascular health Avoid exercising at extreme altitude or in hot, humid environments.

In summer, this is an especially important rule of thumb. Your body temperature affects the baby, and it is critical that neither of you becomes overheated.

In Pregnancy, a hormone called relaxin which induces hyper-flexibility in the joints and musculature fills the system. This allows for the expansion of the uterus and the repositioning of the pelvic floor. As a result of this flexibility it is common for

pregnant women to strain muscles and ligaments.Therefore it is important not to over-stretch and exceed your limits.Ballistic movements, such as jumping or running should be avoided as these motions can strain the pelvic floor, which is already
supporting more weight than ever before.

Do Kegel exercises religiously.Kegels involve contracting and releasing the PF muscles, similarly to stopping the flow of urination. Tighten and relax the muscle quickly several times a day.

Make sure to drink plenty of fluids before exercising, have a nutritious diet, and avoid over exertion. Also, listen to your body - if you start feeling sick or nauseous, then you should stop and rest.Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you're fragile.Look at your schedule and try to give your exercise time top priority. Consider planning your day around your exercise program, not the other way
round.Pregnancy can be overwhelming because of so many physical and lifestyle adaptations. The important thing is to be in tune with your body, and to focus on bringing new life into the world.

Don't forget to visit again as I will be adding some intersting videos featuring pregnancy exercises

Sunday, April 22, 2007

You have enjoyed your married life with your partner for couple of years and now you have decided to extend your family. Well, Congratulations for that decision which is going to be life enhancing for you and your partner filling with joy and excitement.As the weeks turn into months you may begin to realize the cold truth that getting pregnant isn't as easy as you had imagined. If it's your first time you may even have spent most of your life trying to 'avoid' getting pregnant and even fearing it..

Why is it so difficult?

Well, logistically, the timing is very important.A healthy woman ovulates only once every cycle normally releasing an egg which needs to be fertilised within a period of 6 to 12 hours in order to become pregnant.This is the main factor which stops the majority of healthy couples from becoming pregnant.

The male sperm can survive inside the woman for between 2 and 3 days and the ideal situation for fertilisation is to have the sperm recently deposited inside the woman and waiting for the egg to appear - most fertilisation actually takes place at the mouth of the fallopian tubes.The quality of the male sperm can vary greatly. Heat around the testicles, the wearing of tight underwear and excessive ejaculation are all factors which can greatly decrease the amount of active fertile sperm reducing the possibility of fertilisation.
So if a couple had intercourse twice a day every day for the whole month it would not necessarily be as effective as to have intercourse only once at the right time... just hours before ovulation occurs.An effective method used by many couples is the charting method or BBT (Basal Body Temperature) method. This basically involves charting the daily vaginal temperature. Just at the point of ovulation there is a significant rise in temperature. This, combined with other symptoms such as density of vaginal mucus and possible abdominal sensations will show the when ovulation is occurring. After a few months of using this highly accurate method, the couple can predict with high certainty exactly when ovulation will occur and can have intercourse just hours before this is due to occur to ensure fertilisation.

well now the time has come you may be starting to realise that it isn't as straight forward as you thought.There are several factors which may be impeding your getting pregnant.

A couple needs to be prepared both mentally and physically for this new change.
The first thing you should do is to visit a doctor at least three months before you wnat to begin trying to get pregnant. You and your partner should get a complete physical examination, blood test, genetic counselling to find whether you are at risk for having a child with certain diseases.

Before trying to conceive a mother should take prenatal vitamins that provide between 400 and 800 micrograms of folic acid. This reduces the chances of having a baby with neural tube defects.Folic acid is an essential nutrient that can help prevent birth defects in newborns. If you start taking a prenatal supplement before you even try to become pregnant, you will have the best chance of ensuring a happy and healthy journey once you become pregnant.

Prenatal vitamins are packed full of nutrients that will help support and nourish your growing child and your body during pregnancy. Most women assume that they need a prescription to acquire prenatal vitamins. There are actually however many high quality prenatal vitamin supplements you can purchase over the counter. If you are not certain what your best choice is, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider who can point you in the right direction.

Normally women who are underweight will not ovualte and will make it hard to concieve.If a woman does not enough nutients in her body then it may cause problems as the baby starts devleoping Therfore it is very important to follow a healthy well balanced diet.A woman who is anemic, may not have enough iron stores for normal blood cell production in the foetus.If you don't take enough claories then it may lead to growth retardation and a smaller foetus.

If you aren’t engaging in regular exercise prior to pregnancy, you’ll find it is more difficult though not impossible to start exercising during pregnancy when you are already feeling bulky and tired. Therefore one of the best things you can do to prepare for pregnancy is start exercising regularly. You don’t have to join the Boston Marathon, but even walking around the block a few times per week will help tone and condition your body and help you prepare for the journey ahead.

People with Good fitness during conception and pregnancy have easier labor and delivery. Vigorous exercise and attempts to lose wieght shoulud be done before and not during pregnancy. However, after getting pregnant consult yout Docotor and determine the level of exercise that you both feel is safe.

It is better to avoid alcohol, smoking and drus when you are trying to conceive as they all can have terrible effects on the baby .

All these points show how difficult it can be to get pregnant and you might begin to see that the creation of another human life really is a miracle when you see how improbable the chances of fertilisation really are.

So be patient while trying to get pregnant. As it may take anywhere between six months to one year. Keep the romance alive in your marriage as trying to conceive should be enjoyable for both partners.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The onset and degree of pregnancy symptoms will vary within women.
Some women can detect the moment they begin ovulating, while many women cannot tell when or if they have ovulated. Often, women can detect when the fertile days of their cycle has ended. Some can detect the moment they have become pregnant. And for others, one of the more. In fact, your own symptoms may actually be different from one pregnancy to another.

Pregnancy symptoms can also vary in their intensity, frequency and duration and will lessen after the first trimester.

Pregnancy symptoms usually start as soon as the embryo implants in the uterus and starts releasing HCG. Which is around day 7-8 of having sex.
It is frustrating to realize that many pregnancy symptoms are very similar to those that occur right before menstruating.

If you are not trying to conceive, you might think it is just your period coming on again, when in reality you may be experiencing very early signs of pregnancy.
If you are trying to conceive, you may be frustrated when you think you may be experiencing early symptoms of pregnancy but they are only pre-menstrual symptoms.
However, combined with high temperatures and a longer luteal phase - they are key indications that you have achieved pregnancy success!

Once the very early pregnancy signs are experienced, confirm pregnancy by using one of the better home pregnancy tests (there are major differences in the reliability of the home tests for pregnancy) Becoming pregnant and enjoying a successful pregnancy is a complex but wonderful experience. Learn as much as you can about fertility, pregnancy and your health so the brand new person will have the very best beginning to life that is possible.

Missed Period
Perhaps the most obvious early symptom of pregnancy is when you've missed your period. This possible sign of pregnancy is often what causes women to search for more details about the other pregnancy symptoms.
Some women might only experience a much lighter period compared to their usual. You might not experience any of the pregnancy signs listed below until around the time you notice you've missed your monthly cycle.

Nausea & Vomiting
One of these pregnancy signs nausea and vomiting can take you by surprise when you least expect it. These early pregnancy symptoms may come as soon as a week into the pregnancy. Many women experience nausea in the morning when they have coffee and/or eat something on an empty stomach. This is known as morning sickness (see below). Other women notice nausea in the afternoon or evening. Others feel queasy all day.
There is no explanation as to why pregnant women feel this or even a solution as to how to prevent it - however, eating small frequent meals, and snacking on saltine crackers seems to give some kind of relief. Eating a protein/carbohydrate at bedtime (try an apple and a glass of milk) tends to lessen the nausea that occurs in the morning.
This is an early symptom of pregnancy that seems to show up about a month after pregnancy has begun. It tends to level off once you are into your second trimester and your body adjusts to all the many changes it is going through.

Morning Sickness
This pregnancy symptom is well known, and it is related to the nausea symptom. It can be caused by a variety of factors. Your body is craving food and you have not eaten all night so your tummy feels queasy. Your body has way more hormones coursing through it than normal and this can . You are sensitive to aromas and foods, so your morning coffee may not agree with you. The usual breakfast you typically have may not settle well in your stomach during this time. Each woman is different and will have different foods that may or may not contribute to morning sickness.

Breast Tenderness
Your breasts play an important role in childbirth. They are naturally sensitive and become far more so when pregnant. This is one of the most obvious early symptoms of pregnancy.
When you become pregnant, your body begins preparing your breasts for producing milk and breastfeeding. Hormones start increasing. In addition to breast tenderness and swelling, your nipples may feel sore or extra sensitive. Some women notice their nipples darken in color. These symptoms are due to increasing amount of hCG hormone that begins at implantation
You may notice this pregnancy sign at bedtime when exercising or showering.

Frequent Urination
Many women start to feel this symptom within a week or two after pregnancy has occurred. Sorry to have to say this, but this symptom of pregnancy may remain constant for nine months.
Pregnancy causes the uterus to swell and it will start to enlarge for the growing fetus immediately. The swelling uterus puts pressure on your bladder making you feel the need for more frequent urination.
Also, pregnancy causes extra body fluids to be processed by your kidneys and bladder. That means more trips to the restroom.

One of the earliest pregnancy signs for some women may be fatigue and exhaustion. You may start going to bed sooner, or find it harder than usual to get out of bed in the morning.
This one is pretty obvious. When pregnant your body is going through some major hormonal changes. hCG levels alone go from 0 - 250,000 mIU/ml in just twelve weeks. Your temperature is also higher due to the amount progesterone circulating through your body which will also make you feel a little sluggish.
If you know you are pregnant, try to take frequent rests or naps of 15 minutes to a half-hour whenever possible

Light Bleeding
One of the less known pregnancy symptoms is the slight bleeding and spotting that can be caused when the fertilized egg begins to implant itself into the uterus. This is known as "implantation bleeding" and it usually takes place between 3 to 6 days after fertilization.
It can even occur around the same time you would have gotten your menstrual period. Some women assume they have started their period when in fact they are pregnant.
Not all women experience implantation bleeding so it is not considered one of the most obvious pregnancy signs.

Dizziness and/or Fainting
When standing in one place you may feel dizzy or even faint. The growing uterus compresses major arteries in your legs which causes your blood pressure to drop making you extremely light headed. Skipping meals or going too long without eating may cause you to feel dizzy or faint. When not eating frequently enough it causes low blood sugar. Blood sugar is the primary source of food for your baby so it will be depleted much more quickly.

You want to eat frequent, healthy snacks to keep your blood sugar up. Stock up on portable lunch box foods you can take with you. Such as apples, bananas, grapes, yogurt cups, carrots and celery, cheese and crackers, small cartons of milk, juice boxes, granola bars, boxes of raisins, etc.

This pregnancy symptom is caused by the uterus starting to swell and pushing against the stomach and other organs as it grows. Pregnancy hormones will slow down bowel functions to give maximum absorption time of vitamins and nutrients. Taking a quality prenatal multi-vitamin-mineral supplement is important to help your body get the nutrients it needs for your growing baby.
The increasing levels of hCG will also slow down digestion making your stomach not empty as fast which increases the stomach acid, leading to a feeling of heartburn. Soda crackers and sparkling water can help. Smaller more frequent meals are easier to digest. Drink plenty of water and eat fruits, vegetables and perhaps some raisin and bran cereal to help regularity. Some daily vitamin formulas also contain digestive enzymes (from pineapple and papaya fruits). These can help with digestion.
Ask your doctor before taking any kind of antacids as some contain aluminum and should be avoided. Unfortunately, this symptom usually only gets worse as the pregnancy progresses.

Raging hormones are the cause of this...along with having to put up with all the other symptoms. This symptom should decrease soon into the second trimester but until then, a healthy diet, moderate exercise and plenty of sleep should help the crabbiness somewhat.
Uncomfortable - But Well Worth It!

Remember... when in doubt about the earliest pregnancy symptoms, be sure to do a home pregnancy test. To be absolutely sure, have a pregnancy test done at your doctor's office.

Food Cravings, or Aversions to Foods
A well-known cliché is the pregnancy sign-symptom of craving certain foods or unusual combinations of foods. For example, one woman said she craved midnight snacks of warm peach pie topped with vanilla ice cream. Everyone has a funny story about food cravings.

Taking a good pre-natal vitamin supplement and a pure fish oil capsule may ease some cravings and help prevent extra weight gain
Less well known but equally common pregnancy signs are aversions to certain foods. You may find that some foods you previously enjoyed are no longer appetizing. One woman told us she had always liked pizza, but couldn't stand it at all while she was expecting. Just the smell of it made her feel nausea. This problem may come and go for some women. For others it could last throughout pregnancy.

Another related early symptom of pregnancy is a heightened sensitivity to aromas. Even a favorite aroma, such as the smell of a food or perfume, can make you gag. The smell of fresh mowed grass, the smell of a gas station, smells of various foods, household cleaners, perfumes, cigarette smoke, etc., can all cause you to feel nauseated (see nausea symptom above). This is thought to be yet another side effect of the estrogen that is flooding your body.

Mood Swings and Irritability
Pregnancy along with the joy and symptoms fills your mind with question regarding delievery, motherhood, career, and finances, insurance and also the future of your child. All these thoughts and raging hormones can bring about mood swings in you.
It is perfectly normal to feel mixed emotions, excitement and depression, joy and sorrow, laughter and tears. Your partner may be very confused by this and may not seem to be supportive. Explain that your mood swings are very normal signs of pregnancy and that you need support and understanding.
You are the one doing all the hard work here and it is not asking too much for your partner to be patient, loving and to have plenty of hugs and kind words of support ready when you need them. Most fathers-to-be want very much to be supportive, they just need instructions. No one has ever told them anything about pregnancy symptoms. It is all a mystery to them.
This early symptom of pregnancy may decrease in the second trimester.

Higher body temperature
If your temperature is higher than usual and it stays high for two weeks in a row, something is obviously going on with your body. You may be pregnant (or you may have a low grade fever).
If you've been trying to conceive and hoping to get pregnant (it's a tough job but somebody has to do it), your doctor may already have suggested that you keep a record of your body temperature every day.
Low Back Pain
It is estimated that about half of all women will experience this pregnancy symptom.

This low back pain is caused by several factors. First is your weight change. You gain some weight because you are pregnant, your uterus gets bigger, and your baby grows larger every week. Next, your posture and torso are thrown out of alignment. This weight is mostly in the front of your torso, which pulls on your back. It is like wearing a backpack on your front instead of your back. This changes your posture and puts a strain on your back.
All of these changes added together can cause the early pregnancy symptoms of low back pain.

A Positive Pregnancy Test
If you are worrying about possible early symptoms of pregnancy, you can put your mind at ease with a pregnancy test. More than just a pregnancy symptom, this is scientific proof positive of whether you are expecting a baby or not.
Pregnancy tests work best if you wait to take them until at least a day or two after you miss your period. Even if the pregnancy test result is negative you should try it again a few days later to be sure. The best pregnancy tests are the ones done by your doctor or medical clinic. However there are some very high quality at home tests available too.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Can u all believe this ????????? I don't think this could happen. Plse feel free to comment on it

The First Trimester

How do pregnancy tests work?


All pregnancy tests look for a special hormone in the urine or blood that is only present when a woman is pregnant. This hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), is also called the pregnancy hormone.

What's the difference between a urine and a blood pregnancy test? Is one better than the other?
There are two types of pregnancy tests - blood and urine tests. Both tests look for the presence of hCG, the pregnancy hormone. Today, many women use a urine test, or home pregnancy test (HPT), to find out if they are pregnant. HPTs do not cost a lot, are easy to use, can be done at home, and are private. When a woman has a positive result on an HPT, she needs to see her health care provider right away. The health care provider can confirm a positive HPT result with a blood test and a pelvic exam.

There are two types of blood tests you can get from a health care provider. A quantitative blood test (or the beta hCG test) measures the exact amount of hCG in the blood. This means it can pick up very small amounts of hCG, making it a very accurate test. A qualitative hCG blood test gives a simple yes or no answer to whether you are pregnant. This test is more like a urine test in terms of its accuracy.

Blood tests can pick up hCG earlier in a pregnancy than urine tests can. Blood tests can tell if you are pregnant about 6 to 8 days after you ovulate (or release an egg from an ovary). Urine tests can determine pregnancy about 2 weeks after ovulation. Some more sensitive urine tests can tell if you are pregnant as early as 6 days after you conceive, or one day after you miss a menstrual period.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Most of the time pregnant women are afraid to have a little romance. Probably they are afraid something could happen to their baby. Well, that’s wrong. It is important that you do not ignore your own needs or those of your spouse’s during pregnancy. Unless your doctor has warned you otherwise, it is generally safe to have intercourse while pregnant. You will not hurt the baby, nor will your hubby crush it by lying atop you.

You probably have a big belly, and difficult to move your body, but being loved is something that will not go away from you. You still want to taste the love from your husband. You can still initiate a sexy cuddle or some fooling around with your spouse/partner. Remember, after the baby comes, you will both be exhausted from 3 a.m. feedings and long days, filled with diaper changes.

Why do you need to continue having a little romance although you’re pregnant? You may not feel like being sexual, but it is at least important to cuddle or fool around with your husband, so that he still knows he matters to you. You probably will not have sex as much; over time, this can lead to the relationship deteriorating. You do not want this to happen, especially when you can prevent it by remaining attentive to your hubby. Relationships always take work, but a baby does complicate things, so make sure you do not quit just because the going gets tough.

Make the effort now to buy a sexy gown or to do something romantic for your spouse, and make sure that even after the baby comes, you make time to remind your hubby that you still love him and find him attractive. Whether or not you lose the baby weight right away, still cuddle with your spouse and make love when you both feel like it. Your husband will not care if you are a little heavy because he will just be glad you two are fooling around.

It is also good for your self-esteem to be sexual. And it releases stress! So, make time for romance, no matter how tired or fat you feel. Rest assured, your husband still thinks you are beautiful and sexy.

Never feel ashamed to ask your hubby or partner for little romance when you need it. Enjoy it while you can!

About the author:

Sara Jameson writes her experiences in “The Very Happy Pregnancy: Avoiding Stress and Depression.” Read her secrets and truths about having a happy, healthy pregnancy in http://www.pregnancy-weekly.infoand

Thursday, April 5, 2007

6 Reasons to Exercise During Pregnancy

Everyone knows that exercise is good for your health. Exercising during pregnancy can have additional benefits. Generally, exercise should be light, especially during the first few weeks of pregnancy while your body adjusts to the changes. Heavy exercise can divert blood flow from crucial areas and most women that exercise regularly should tone down their workouts during pregnancy.

Walking, swimming, and yoga are two popular exercise activities suitable for pregnant women. Other forms of exercise like weight lifting are okay too as long as it is not too strenuous. Most experts recommend exercising 3-4 times a week, unless a medical condition prevents it. If in doubt, always consult a physician first. Listed below are some of the top reasons for exercising during pregnancy.

1. Exercise can reduce the length of labor and reduce recovery times. The right exercise routines will increase stamina needed for delivery.

2. Improve emotional health - exercise lowers stress and improves emotional health and can make it easier for the new mother to get through the experience of pregnancy.

3. Exercise can help with weight management after the child is born. A common concern with most mothers is losing weight after pregnancy. Exercising during pregnancy can make postpartum weight loss easier.

4. Exercise is good for your unborn baby. By keeping your body healthy, you are also helping out your baby.

5. Reduced pregnancy side effects - Symptoms like headaches, fatigue, swelling, and constipation are common in pregnant women. Exercising has been shown to reduce the occurence of these symptoms.

6. Decrease risk of premature birth - exercise has been shown in studies to decrease the risk of premature birth by about 50%.

Make sure to drink plenty of fluids before exercising, have a nutritious diet, and avoid over exertion. Also, listen to your body - if you start feeling sick or nauseous, then you should stop and rest.

About the Author - Criss White

Criss White is a professional web writer on baby and new mother topics for baby and pregnancy websites. For more articles by this author, visit My Baby Shower Favors ( and Babies and Showers (

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

7 Tips To Healthy Pregnancy

It is always important to take whatever steps you can to be healthy, but while you are pregnant it is even more important: not only do you need to take good care of yourself, you are also profoundly affecting the life of another person – your baby. Here's 7 tips to help you along the way.

1.If you smoke, one of the most important things you can do is to stop smoking: babies born to mothers who smoke have a lower average birth weight, are more likely to be born prematurely, and are at greater risk of death from sudden infant death syndrome than babies of non-smokers. Sometimes mothers feel having a low birth weight baby could be an advantage as it will make the baby easy to deliver. This is not necessarily the case, as it may lead to an emergency delivery, which can result in all sorts of complications. Even if you are already pregnant, stopping smoking will benefit the baby for the rest of your pregnancy. It is not only the baby who benefits. You are likely to suffer from less morning sickness, experience fewer complications and have a more contented baby after the birth.

2. It is also important to pay attention to your diet. Many women feel they should ‘eat for two’, but research has shown that women only need an extra 200-300 calories a day while pregnant, and you may be eating those extra calories anyway. What is important is to ensure that you get the protein, vitamins and minerals necessary to build another human being. Those extra 200-300 calories should not be squandered on chocolate or crisps, but should be eaten as fruit, vegetables, etc. It is also important to increase your water intake, which will help avoid constipation.

3. It is generally a good idea to take a good quality multivitamin and mineral supplement too. There are now ones specially formulated for pregnant women. Ideally these should be started before you become pregnant, so that you are in the best shape possible for the pregnancy, and then continued throughout your pregnancy. An adequate supply of vitamins and minerals is important right from conception. For example, a deficiency of one of the B vitamins, folic acid, in the first month of pregnancy may lead to the baby being born with a cleft lip, congenital heart disease or spina bifida. Omega-3 fatty acids (obtained by eating oily fish, flaxseed oil, walnuts, spinach and spirulina, or taken as a supplement) are important for the development of the baby’s eyes and brain. Omega-3 also reduces the risk of premature birth and post-natal depression.

4. Nobody knows how much alcohol it is safe to consume during pregnancy, so many health experts feel it is better to avoid alcohol entirely for the sake of the baby. This can seem hard on the pregnant woman when everyone else is drinking, but it is important to remember that alcohol is a poison for the growing baby, and no caring mother willingly gives her baby poison.

5. Pregnancy is not a time to sit still. Although adequate rest is vitally important, most experts believe that healthy pregnant women should be taking 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day.

6. It is also important to minimise exposure to toxic chemicals while pregnant, so spending a lot of time painting the house and laying new carpets is not a good idea, especially in the early stages of pregnancy when the baby is particularly vulnerable.

7. Many women find pregnancy stressful, and this can be a particularly good time to turn to safe, non-invasive options such as Bach flower remedies, homeopathy, kinesiology and other therapies.

Making a new life is something miraculous. Doing the best you can for that new life starts long before you have the baby in your arms for the first time.

About the author:

Jane Thurnell-Read is an author and researcher on health, allergies and stress. She has written two books for the general public: "Allergy A to Z" and "Health Kinesiology". She also maintains a web site http://www.healthandgoodness.comwith tips, inspiration and information for everyone who wants to live a happier, healthier life.